Sunday, 20 May 2018

End of Module Evaluation, PP2

Studio Brief 1 - Presentation

Please Note: The GIFs on slides 7 & 15 are not working on this version, as it has been converted to images in order to post as Google Slides file for the blog.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Studio Brief 1 (Study Task 10) - Presentation Plan

  • Bookend presentation with Ira Glass ‘The Gap’ quote, start with beginning of quote, explain how it is relevant throughout, end with last bit of quote
  • Split presentation into 5 sections:
         1. The Start - end of level 4, goals for level 5
         2. The Spark - Faslane trip
         3. The Fall - failings of level 5 work
         4. The Lesson - lessons learnt from failings
         5. The Future - goals for level 6 and how to implement lessons

  • Include mixture of ‘head’ and ‘heart’ content throughout, mixing practical practice as well as motives behind work, supported by identity and personal traits
  • Include gifs as well as still images, have enough slides so don't have to stay on one for too long, perhaps 2-3 per section

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Studio Brief 2 (Study Task 7) - Contact Report

Studio Brief 3 (Study Task 8) - Group Presentation, Pass It On Zine

In our group I was responsible for the initial idea generation, the logo design and the spread mock ups for the Publication. We worked collaboratively on generating a concept for the content and ethos of our zine, which I contributed to also. Jenny Carter and I presented the above pitch to the class.

I enjoyed working as part of a creative community, bouncing ideas of everyone in the group and working together to create an end result that was the product of everyone's participation. I did struggle at times feeling like I was taking over a bit and was conscious not to make it too much of a product of just my own work. This was due partly to my temperamental inability to compromise but also to the lack of input from quieter members of the group. I found it difficult when others were not as engaged as I was or as serious about the general project despite my best intentions to engage them, meaning they made some poor decisions that needed changing to ensure we had a suitable and sufficient final product. I wanted everyone to be as involved as each other and ideally there would have been no leader, but in this instance I found it necessary.

The Logo

The Mock Ups

My Pitch Notes

Jenny Carter and I presented to the class.

- General public, mostly young adults - for people to stumble upon
- Commuters
- Starting in Leeds
- Creatives but also anyone interested
- No political leaning

Physical Distribution:
- Left in relevant places - based on target audience
- Self-distributing - human interaction, pass it on
- Idea of treasure hunt - got to be found
- Engage with city & surroundings - active

Mock Up: 
- Bright, fun, noticeable
- Image base, visual - mix of styles, wide appeal
- Simple, clean layout - easily read
- Mix of reader submissions & staff work - helps with hype & interaction, people will want something they contributed too, ensures variety of content

- Zine offering positive impact & alternative pastime
- Eco-Friendly
- Promotes human interaction, support local businesses 
- Fill gap in market for diverse, light-hearted, interactive publication 

Friday, 13 April 2018

Study Task 6 - Haiku

Individual Haiku - 

'Look up from the screen,
There is life all around you,
Take part, Pass it on'

Group Haiku - 

'There is more to life, 
Pick up our positive news, 
Take part, Pass it on'

Refined Haiku Slogan -


Sunday, 8 April 2018

Study Task 4 - Copyright

How copyright could effect current & future practice:

- Instagram - posting work publicly online could make it open for people to steal or copy. By putting the copyright symbol somewhere visible in the bio would not protect my work fully, but could deter some people.

- Source Material - drawing from found photos or collaging found material could be an infringement on other's copyright. Would need to ensure that the image is changed enough for it not to be recognised from the original, that the photo is outside of copyright protection, or to just use my own reference images. 

- Commissions - responding to commissioned briefs, working for clients, I will still own  the copyright for the work as outlined in a legal contract.

- Selling - selling work at print fairs to the public, I will still own the copyright for the images sold.

- Exhibitions - when exhibiting work I will still own the copyrights to the work shown. 

Friday, 6 April 2018

Study Task 3 - SWOT/PEST Analysis, Land Design Studio

LAND - design studio & creative consultancy


- Distinguished & timeless look
- Defined but not restricted
- Collaborations with other artists and designers
- Multi0faceted, art & design, packaging, branding, spaces

- Rise of vintage fashion & styles
- Collaborations with artists & companies
- Can sell own work as well as designing/branding other companies

- Reliant on suitable companies needing branding work
- Niche
- Hard to differentiate different branding work, house style
- Juggling branding as well as own work, differentiating the two

- Failing economy
- Limited disposable incomes of customers/companies
- Similar companies imitating work


- Ethics of companies working with them need considering
- Work not made to do any good, consumerism

- Need people with disposable income
- Stable economy
- Relies mostly on western economy

- Desirable style/look
- Consumerism can rely too heavily on fashion, always changing
- Nods to historic, religious and cultural arts

- Consume online, no physical space to buy products
- Quite small scale company
- Screen printing and analogue processes

Monday, 2 April 2018

Study Task 2

Kevin Morby - 'Beautiful Strangers'

Song dedicated to Orlando shooting victims, with purchases supporting Everytown for Gun Safety movement which works to end gun violence in America.
It fits with the tertiary sector as it is music falling under entertainment, however it is not for profit. Although it wouldn't fall under the third sector with it not being an organisation, it is made to support a organisation. It not only provides entertainment but also raises awareness to an ongoing social issue and pays tribute to victims of that issue. It is therefore successful within it's sector and the service or value that it provides.


Collaboration between two artist designers, creating their own products such as clothing, prints, ornaments etc as well as graphic design and illustration work for other companies.They are a part of the private sector making work for profit as well as the tertiary sector, falling under retail and also a service for other companies. However it could also encapsulate the quaternary sector, being art and therefore culture and intellectual activity. It is successful in that they provide a service for others to have well designed products and brands, as well as their own brand and range of products also. 

Ariele Alasko 

Artist making hand-made sculptures, products and utensils primarily out of wood. Falls into Private Sector - for-profit practice. It is an artistic practice and so falls under intellectual activity and could be in the quaternary sector, but it is also a product so could fall into secondary, even though it is on a relatively small scale. Alasko does not provide a service but instead a product and artefact to own. She is considerably effective and successful, at least judging on her online activity. 

Mural Arts Philadelphia - Community Murals

Collaborations and dialogues with communities to create murals that celebrate and capture that communities history and stories. Can be used to restore and improve an area of the city, allowing the residents to be proud of their homes and feel ownership over the places they inhabit. This would be in the Third Sector, being a community organisation. It accepts donations from the public to help fund its' projects. It could also be seen in the public sector, as it works in education and restorative justice, helping out society as a whole as well as the Philadelphia Community. It has brought communities together for projects and given locals something to be proud of and be enlightened by daily. 

Friday, 16 March 2018

Selling Prints at GK Gallery & Tea Room, Salford

  • Was great interacting with customers and the public interested in the work
  • Rewarding people parting with their cash for prints
  • Experience with pricing, layout and presentation in regards to my practice