Sunday, 13 May 2018

Studio Brief 3 (Study Task 8) - Group Presentation, Pass It On Zine

In our group I was responsible for the initial idea generation, the logo design and the spread mock ups for the Publication. We worked collaboratively on generating a concept for the content and ethos of our zine, which I contributed to also. Jenny Carter and I presented the above pitch to the class.

I enjoyed working as part of a creative community, bouncing ideas of everyone in the group and working together to create an end result that was the product of everyone's participation. I did struggle at times feeling like I was taking over a bit and was conscious not to make it too much of a product of just my own work. This was due partly to my temperamental inability to compromise but also to the lack of input from quieter members of the group. I found it difficult when others were not as engaged as I was or as serious about the general project despite my best intentions to engage them, meaning they made some poor decisions that needed changing to ensure we had a suitable and sufficient final product. I wanted everyone to be as involved as each other and ideally there would have been no leader, but in this instance I found it necessary.

The Logo

The Mock Ups

My Pitch Notes

Jenny Carter and I presented to the class.

- General public, mostly young adults - for people to stumble upon
- Commuters
- Starting in Leeds
- Creatives but also anyone interested
- No political leaning

Physical Distribution:
- Left in relevant places - based on target audience
- Self-distributing - human interaction, pass it on
- Idea of treasure hunt - got to be found
- Engage with city & surroundings - active

Mock Up: 
- Bright, fun, noticeable
- Image base, visual - mix of styles, wide appeal
- Simple, clean layout - easily read
- Mix of reader submissions & staff work - helps with hype & interaction, people will want something they contributed too, ensures variety of content

- Zine offering positive impact & alternative pastime
- Eco-Friendly
- Promotes human interaction, support local businesses 
- Fill gap in market for diverse, light-hearted, interactive publication 

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