Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Creativity - John Cleese, GENIUS

Thank you Matt for the recommendation; absolute lightbulb moment.

Watching this video was invaluable, inspiring, insightful and so helpful in understanding more about the mystery of creativity and the generation of ideas or solutions to problems. It also further highlighted to me the mistakes I have been making all along in my creative journey and how to improve the struggle of making work and having ideas.

  • Space and quiet time is necessary and paramount in creating work. Stressing or getting anxious or 'closing' yourself off when nothing comes to mind is the most crippling response.
  • Playing is the way to be creative and to create more exciting and adventurous work, EVEN when dealing with serious subject matter or concepts.
  • Humour is another catalyst which enhances and fuels play.
  • Sitting around on a problem is OKAY. Return to the problem at hand as you do to the breathe in meditation and something will come in the end, hopefully. In the meantime draw and play and think all the while returning to the problem. 
  • Don't get distracted by other things that need doing or the internet or even reading. Set aside enough time away from everything to allow the ideas to come and the play to happen.
  • Anxiety about not solving the problem is totally normal, just ride it out and wait for what is to come on the other side. 
I am going to think more about what John says in this lecture and try and slowly implement it into my work and see where it takes me. I am really hoping and feeling like this will alleviate a lot of the blocks I have been coming into contact with.

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